
Whybaganba »

Nobbys Head is Newcastle’s Opera House. It’s Newcastle’s Eiffel Tower. From it’s geological formation to cultural significance and it’s place in managing the world’s biggest coal port, this documentary discusses the life of our very own Whybayganba.


More Than Hoons »

In Newcastle we love cars. Fast cars. Old cars. Supercars. This documentary explores our relationship with motor racing from the first speedway races through to todays fast street action. This link is to the promo for the film. Head to …

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Fortress Newcastle »

This documentary was funded by a collection of small historical societies based in Newcastle.  It tells the story of how Newcastle was defended during World War II, in order to protect the steel works, shipyards and defence bases.


Architecture of Newcastle »

Originally planned as a one-off film, in 2021 we produced an eight-part series on the architecture of Newcastle, focusing on the buildings around Civic Park.  This area is a museum of design, from the federation age town hall to the modern Art …

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Lycett and Wallis »

Carnivore Films produce the films for the Newcastle-based Stories of Our Town series working with director Glen Dormand.  This is undoubtedly our most important film so far, following the exploits and art of convict artist Joseph Lycett and his employer, …

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Scott Sisters »

This is the third Stories of Our Town documentary that we produced and looks at the story and legacy of the Scott Sisters of Ash Island, who were not only talented artists in a time where women artists were hardly …

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BHP A City Within A City »

Our second documentary looks at the BHP Steelworks as an important part of the cities history.  We talked to employees about what it was like to work there and the legacy that the company left behind.


Star Hotel Riot »

In 2019 Carnivore Films began working in a collaborative project called Stories of Our Town producing a series of documentaries about events in the history of Newcastle.  This is the first production, which looks at the circumstances around the Star …

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